Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Racist bastards.  I hate racist bastards.  No really, I fucking hate racist bastards.  So I'm asking myself was George Zimmerman a racist bastard?  Well, sadly I don't think so.  If he was, it would be great sensational news, we'd all riot in the streets and mark another notch on the bed post of humanity as we kicked the shit out of some police cars, knocked over some shit and set fire to some buildings.  I don't mean to sound overzealous, but I do like chaos and I also love great controversy.  I also love standing up to racist fucks and making them look stupid (not feel stupid, they never feel stupid.)

So, if you're following me and saying to yourself, "why did the talking news heads inject race into this?" I have bad news for you, it's because we eat this stuff up.  We love it, we eat it for breakfast and dinner, finding all sorts of ways to make ourselves feel superior without ever having to take responsibility for our own feelings and actions.  The saddest reality is that everyone is missing the big lesson here. An innocent kid was killed by an innocent man.  George should have stayed in the car...I hope for those of you who have a hero complex...STAY IN THE FUCKING CAR!  And if you're a kid being followed by some creepy dude...run!  I hope for those of you who think you're a fucking bad-ass RUN!

This is a case of two people, one who thought he was catching a criminal (yes, he was prejudice) and another who thought he should defend himself.  Trevon had every right to stand his ground, ironic for sure. If some dude was following me, I'd have all sorts of ideas about catching him off guard and defending myself. Trevon wasn't wrong, but he did have bad judgement.  Had he run home, this wouldn't have happened. Then there's George, sitting in a car in the dark thinking he's actually doing something positive for his neighborhood, thinking he's caught "the guy". He calls the cops because he sees some black kid (yeah, he's probably as prejudice as you pretend not to be) who he's never seen before walking down the street. He wasn't doing anything wrong when George (stupidly) gets out of the car to see what Trevon is up to, and Trevon (stupidly) doesn't run. Had George stayed in the car, this wouldn't have happened, had Trevon run, this wouldn't have happened.

I have kids.  If mine were lost, I would be lost.  Losing their son -- their innocent son -- is horrible.  It's sad and it's tragic.  I made so many mistakes at that age, none of which I paid for with my life.  Trevon did not deserve to pay with his life, not even close.  It's tragic, it's deplorable.  And George, he also doesn't deserve to pay with his life. He deserves to pay for something, for being an idiot with a gun, but not his life.

Was George guilty of a crime?  I'm not sure, but it seems like he was guilty of being stupid at the very least.  Not only was he stupid, he was stupid with deadly force..A GUN.  When you walk into a situation with a gun -- you up the ante.  It's no longer two idiots in the dark, it's two idiots in the dark with a fucking GUN. Blame Florida for that. He deserves to be punished, for being a dumb ass with a gun.  But what he's not guilty of is killing a black kid because he didn't want a black kid walking in the neighborhood.  He was accused of killing out of malice, because he wanted to, he didn't do that.  If you want to blame someone, blame the DA for charging him for a crime that he didn't commit rather than the crime that he did.  Or maybe, look in the mirror and let's blame ourselves for forcing the DA into it.

There is plenty of racism out there, let's not lose our focus, let's not be defeated. Fight the real fight. Let this bullshit rest.

If he was my son, I'd die.  It's impossible to imagine. I'd like to think I wouldn't find a scapegoat, but I probably would. RIP Trevon.  Thoughts are with both the Martin and Zimmerman families.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The pill or not to pill

Contraception... I wouldn't be able to spell that without spell check, but it's an interesting topic none the less.  The story of the day (at least for me) is that the pill is now free for women.  That's right, fall back in your chair and suck on that Obamacare mandate for a minute.

For a second I want to clarify that I knew this was coming, and the fact that it has affected my family today really is just a matter of timing -- every 3 months to be precise -- and for many people this has been the reality for some time.  And it's not just the pill, it's contraception (big word again, thank you spell check.)    For others, it's coming, so grab your nuts and lets delve into your female counterpart (wife/sister/friend/you) is now getting access to healthcare without us men having a say.

This is Healthcare.  Insurance only works when a bunch of people opt in, which sucks for poor people in general because opting in generally costs money that is otherwise obligated (to the electric bill for example.)

For a little context, I think it's pretty important to point out that it's none of your f#cking business what a doctor prescribes.  Whether it's depression, colon heath, having the unfortunate circumstance of having a penis or a vagina, or anything else...making a decision about healthcare based upon your gender or your particular and unique needs is truly fucked.

This is actually about money.  Now that we are all part of the same collective insurance policy we have to figure out how to make it cheaper.  Note that I did not say how to make it more moral.  To my left and right wing friends this could be a shocker.....take a deep breath:


Yeah, I said it.  It's not about doing wrong or right.  It's about saving money.  Contraception is free because its collectively cheaper to give it away than to pay for all sorts of people to have actual babies (which are quite expensive, especially when they have more babies.)  The reality is that not-so-poor people will eventually pay in taxes what they take out of our collective insurance, and poor people will be able to be more consistent and not have to choose between electricity and the pill, which is good for everybody whether or not you're a bleeding heart liberal or a dickhead conservative.

And let's face it, we all like to do it....save money that is.